"The palace wall is deep … the moon is cold, the mountains and rivers are full of smoke, and the jade building in Chung Shan Man is not covered by the canopy …"

The song "Mourning the Moon" by the wife of Bai Hu Bing Sheng Li Yuan and Mrs Baihua is often played in Liyuan Teahouse.
Looking at the skeleton’s eyes full of fear, he took the leather roll and withdrew from the 100 meters. "The princess has kept her promise. Can she leave?"
Princess San Jue doesn’t talk, and her eyes are cold with murder.
Life doesn’t seem to be afraid to smile directly.
"I brought a helper."
Princess Sanjue slowly turned her head and looked southwest.
I don’t know when there is a figure outside the baizhang. It’s a big figure with a stubble and cold eyes.
The man was wearing a tattered black robe in leather armor.
The clothes are floating in the wind, and the whole person is looming.
He holds a long bow with animal bones, and the strings are tight, and the arrows with bloody bones and teeth are shining with faint green fire.
There was a smile on her lips. "The princess lived in seclusion. Perhaps I don’t know that this is the arrow saint Yang Fu of the Southern Jin Dynasty and a hermit who was wiped out by the Dugu family."
"The arrow that killed God was given to the princess personally, and she should know the power of this thing."
Princess Sanjue silently "get out!"
Life is like being pardoned and flying away.
The arrow of the Southern Jin Dynasty, Saint Yang Fu, slowly retreated and dissipated in the snow.
Three unique princess Li Qianqiu reached out a recruit to the skeleton and rose slowly to fall into the palm of jade.
Not far away, the golden light flashed, and the white bearded Taoist Ling was suspended, impressively being the true king of Taiyuan, the founder of Taiyi.
Li Qianqiu, the princess of San Jue, doesn’t seem to be surprised. She still looks at the skeleton in her hand. "The ancestors, soldiers and saints, fled into the ice field, and the queen of flowers missed her illness and died. She died in the palace day and night, lamenting. Those who heard it were not crazy."
"Smell only the soul of the Baihua Queen who will be buried next to her ancestors will be peaceful and pitiful. I have vowed to break into the ice sheet. Now it seems nothing but nonsense …"
Guangyuan Zhenjun’s face is calm, "Princess’s sense of honor"
Li Qianqiu, the princess of San Jue, ignored the sight of the body of the old man in the snow, and his eyes were dim. "We are all living in the past, so we are ghosts. What’s important is just a joke."
"But the prestige of the ancestors’ soldiers can’t be defiled!"
Guangyuan Zhenjun nodded slightly. "The princess has been relieved that the Yin technique has been tampered with. That you emperor is an evil spirit and will never come back when he falls into the nether world."
Princess San Jue didn’t speak.
The evil wind used to be alone.
Guangyuan Zhenjun also disappeared with the golden light.
After a while, Qin’s head was broken. First, he groped for the old man’s body, and then he looked at the footprints in the surrounding snow and his face changed
"Shit, there’s something else wrong with this!"
Twenty-nine years old in the twelfth lunar month
At this time of the year, God will hold a big sacrifice to welcome people to the royal ancestral temple in all directions to worship the people who are protected by rites and music.
This is the ancient ritual of sealing gods from generation to generation
The sky is dim and the city is full of bells and drums.
Shang Peiyun, the imperial gate house, strode out in a purple robe and looked at the golden silk in the hands of the dense crowd in the city. He recited, "Fengtian carries the imperial edict that since san huang ruled the world and sealed the gods, the Terran Rightists have been guarding the four borders and making great achievements peacefully …"
He studied under the awe-inspiring operation of Shanhai Academy, and he was blessed with the sound of the city gate array to penetrate the world.
All the squares and doors have long been popular in the city, and people of all ages have been waiting for exquisite pasta and fermented cakes on both sides of Tianjie.
Outside the gate of Shendu City, Dayan, a captain of the 36 state capitals, all looked solemn in armor, and a sergeant held high the French flag behind him.
Wang Xuan was also wearing a black four-spirit armor, a scarlet cloak, and a purple and gold crown. Wei Tingshan held a French flag and looked awed.
He looked up and watched.
I saw that the towering gate tower had erected many altars, and there were many tall banners. Qi Hongyuan was also a real person.
The founder of Taiyi, Guangyuan Zhenjun, stood in the center of the altar, dressed in the purple robes of the sun, the moon and the stars and flying in the snow.
To tell the truth, Wang Xuan doesn’t want to see this road.
Wang Fu, Guangyuan Zhenjun, and all of them are fascinated by iron. People who are not satisfied with their righteousness, including themselves, will calculate.
Desire is just the most difficult
Because he is pregnant with the fairy city, even if Taiyi teaches to make friends, he will become a chess player inexplicably, and the customers from all over the world will take away the cause and effect.
However, I’m afraid the other party knows about his absorption of mysterious metal, and maybe he’s up to something.
There are some things he is willing to do
But not driven by others.
Thought of here, Wang Xuan secretly played the deduction of Heaven.
The integration progress of the royal family’s "Mixed Yuan Refinement" and "Taixu Yin and Yang Tactics" has reached 1%
According to the past experience, there should not be much conflict between these two methods. If you want to merge successfully, you can find a way to raise the nine-turn robbery light to the magic body, and you can accumulate unprecedented details.
When you step into the non-toxic environment, you will be able to be concise. When you have strength, you must take care of other people’s colors … Dong! Knock! Knock!
When Wang Xuan was distracted, the royal bell rang, and then the bells and drums in the city rang all over the fields.
Guangyuan Zhenjun looked at the sky indifferently, "Rise from the altar!"
All the high-tech experts smell speech and knead the tactic at the same time
In an instant, the incense wind in the altar spontaneously ignited and went straight into the sky, and the banners and banners fluttered and danced.
Guangyuan Zhenjun spread a small golden seal in his palm, and it was the mysterious seal of Baoqing in Taiyi Sect that rose.
This is the real magic weapon. When it first appeared, it showed extraordinary power, and it suddenly went into the sky with golden light.
Zhong yi lei Ming
The sky used to be overcast with flying snow, but now the clouds have been torn apart, exposing harsh sunlight. The clouds at the mouth of the cave are like inlaid Phnom Penh.
A light beam between heaven and earth just enveloped the whole altar, and then the golden incense power rose.
Wang Xuan eyes slightly coagulate vigilance in the heart.

"Attack" Mu Wanhua smashed the screen in front of him, and at the same time, floating in the middle, one-off people had already set up a gun barrel in advance to launch a wave of old missiles to attack the one-horned insects.

From a distance, countless missiles move forward with their light tails, as if dozens of layers of light curtains are condensed inside and outside, and each layer of light curtain arrival makes the insect tide not work smoothly. Every layer of light curtain blasting has a unicorn, and the scene of strong insects dying is extremely hot.
I can do this to such an extent by serenading the fleet for several months and carefully arranging Mu Wanhua to give up my original intention of guarding the wormhole to help Lin Sisuo, which has a hidden story.
Mu Tianlan, that is, Mu Wanhua’s father’s three strange cosmic wonders and high-level resources, invited the Tianzhu fleet to sit in the wormhole so that the Mu family could guard the boundary as narrow as possible to maintain its strength.
To be honest, the huge super family like Mujia is not sure about the insect robbery. Mu Tianlan invited the strategic wise man, Mr. Bohan, to carry out the evolution of the general trend and try every means to hand over the wormhole to shirk the responsibility.
Don’t underestimate this shirking responsibility. Well done, the Mujia can reach a new peak. If the calculation is not in place, then his families will take the opportunity to lose the words of the Mujia from now on.
No adventure guild or optical federation can do it alone. On the surface, it gives people the feeling that the optical federation is dominant, but subdivision involves a lot of forces. No one can do it alone.
On whether medium-sized families, large families or even super families all plan by themselves, which can also be said to be the characteristics of human culture. Before the arrival of insect robbery, we began to make a series of arrangements for the future.
The Tianzhu fleet is just one of the many "scapegoats" that the wooden family is looking for. Speaking of it, it is also a matter of your affection and my wish. After all, the wooden family paid a price to exchange the family’s thousand-year-old treasures.
Lin momo has no reason to blame the wooden house. This is just a deal. However, Mu Wanhua was shocked by Bohan’s superb intelligence after coming into contact with the insect robbery trend deduction core file.
Among the zerg’s strategic objectives, it is the most important thing that the Tianzhu fleet is responsible for guarding the wormhole. Otherwise, would Mu Tianlan pay such an important cosmic wonder? When has Mujia ever suffered a loss? The answer is no.
Wood wanhua hate to "fickle father also don’t look at the object what to nail the tenchu fleet in such a dangerous area? According to the rules formulated by the adventure guild, if you resist the disadvantages, Lin momo’s life will be over. "
It is out of this hidden feeling that Mu Wanhua decided without hesitation to go to Lin momo’s side to help the Tianzhu fleet through it. It is hard to say whether Mu Wanhua is not a heartless person or a kind person.
Of course, Mu Wanhua will never help those characters. Even if there were such an important fighting partner as the Tenchu fleet, she would not put the serenade fleet into danger. It’s hard to figure out a woman’s heart.
Lin momo has been warned by Mu Wanhua, but when is it now? Can the Tianzhu fleet quit?
Angle of view back to the battlefield, the one-horned giant worms gathered and the adult tide was torn apart by countless old missiles. The worm tide seemed to be chewed out one after another, and the crew cheered in the wave frequency.
Disposable gun barrels are cheap, and even simple smelting plants can be set up to process them themselves. Most of those old missiles are scrapped ammunition, and the price is naturally much cheaper.
The war is about resources and technology. What Mu Wanhua has been thinking for months is limited resources. To make maximum defense, the wormhole area must be firmly locked to prevent the Zerg from rushing into public areas.
Volume 17 A bloody battle! Temporary departure Chapter 976 The ship arrived.
"Hurry up and get ready to attack the No.2 fortress gun. I didn’t expect the one-horned bug to be so difficult." Mu Wanhua looked very bad. It seems that the bug tide has been divided into many pieces. I never thought that the bug shadow would gather together again in less than half a minute.
The dazzling light beam penetrated from the place where Yunlu was at a 45-degree angle to the east, and severely printed the insect tide of the stubborn one-horned giant insect camp, which was not yet fully aggregated to a defense force method for superposition, and was hit hard.
Like a hat, the light cloud rises like a light beam. There are few tens of thousands of single-horned fly ash in the explosion center. Those single-horned fly ash are slightly closer to the explosion center. It can be seen that the fortress gun attack is not bad.
"Bastard worm speed is too fast?" Mu Wanhua’s eyes are wide and her eyes are wide and her horns are wide. The powerful insect has just been suppressed by a strong offensive, and a new insect tide has emerged from the giant droplets. Nearly ten million golden ladybugs are coming in with their bodies stacked.
There is no comparison between the roots of the one-horned beetle after it ranks 60 th in the list of exotic beetles. However, this zerg has its own uniqueness and can carry out long-range attacks
"Whew, whew, whew, whew …"
In the wave frequency, the ladybug spewed out red stones, each of which was doped with strong radiation and had strong penetrating power. Soon, the simple gun barrels suspended near the wormhole became fragments.
On the screen, red stones are constantly penetrating like physical bullets in ancient battlefields. Every ladybug can spit out hundreds of red stones, and the shooting radius is not small.
Accompanied by howls, the floating thunder in the dark raised a weak energy shield to resist the floating thunder, and then it was penetrated by more red stones. Some floating thunder exploded, and some floating thunder sank losses were expanding.
In fact, those important floating mines have excellent protection, and some floating mines are the illusion of luring the enemy to attack. Mu Wanhua is shocked by the speed of insect tide and not surprised by the appearance of golden ladybug.
In any case, the Zerg must not retreat before paying a heavy price. According to the rules, the Zerg must be blocked near the wormhole for 20 seconds, and the Zerg must not be allowed to spread out. Twenty seconds is about 6 million kilometers. It may sound like a wide range, but it is extremely small from an astronomical point of view.
"Fire all the fortresses, fire all the fleets, and uncover the mirror array." Mu Wanhua reached the attack instruction in a dignified tone. Now there is no need to hide the strength, and the maximum damage must be made in a short time.
Near the wormhole, there are disposable gun barrel areas in the floating minefield in turn, but these are not the main defense bodies. The real defense bodies are 136 simple fortresses in the hidden mirror array, 1,910 compound gun towers, 23,000 miniature interception bunkers and 57,670 movable metal foam walls.
Mu Wanhua hired a group of low-level martial brothers to control the Taibao fortress and the compound turret. Ordinary people can meet the high-intensity workload of Star Wars, but intelligent robots can play a partial role, but the success is definitely not low.
Although it is very advanced in this era, sometimes it is very troublesome to deal with emergencies and deal with logic. There are a large number of zergs, and sometimes the operation speed is slow. The human resources can not be ignored. Even if the price of hiring low-level martial monks is not high, the situation of mass employment is so tense. Today, it is very difficult for Mu Wanhua to move some of the third galaxy wooden houses to meet the demand.
Five junior martial brothers and ten robots are in charge of each fortress, while one junior martial brother and two robots are in charge of those who are responsible for intercepting the Zerg micro-bunkers. It is hard to say that all of them can be transported according to the preset procedures.
"Pay attention to adjust the energy at each attack point and summon up courage to resist this zerg attack according to the pre-war practice. Everyone has a reward. If you can’t resist it, you can enter the escape pod immediately and repeat it …"
In the wave frequency, I hissed and made a wake-up call. Wanhua knew that these temporary hired low-level brother Wu could not have such high loyalty, and they were pieced together temporarily. Only after a few months of running-in, I am afraid that when the crisis really comes, people will be worried and count on a few people.
Those intelligent robots who accept employment are strict in discipline, however, the intelligence of robots varies, and they are often rigid and lack a flexible adaptability. It is necessary for robots to partner with Brother Wu.
The vast stars shine brilliantly. First of all, 136 simple forts are attacked. Although these forts are rubbish pieced together in an emergency, there is no problem with large-caliber light cannons. The key lies in energy consumption. In response to the operation of these simple forts, Mu Wanhua borrowed a lot of energy from Mujia.
Crystal refining is a kind of energy. However, Mu Wanhua can’t be so extravagant that crystal refining drives many energy sources. The energy source is relatively cheap antimatter energy quark energy.
Because Mufeixue and Mufeiyan want to use Lin momo’s development to support some star energy pools, these star energy pools have good performance and are suitable for large-scale stable energy. It is said that some wooden houses have development technology.
The battlefield is not very real, and the preparations before the war are not too bad. Those star cruise ship captains didn’t leave and went to other places, mainly because these fortresses gave them confidence and concealed the fortifications such as Taibao. The energy consumption of the mirror array is very serious. When Mu Wanhua saw that the Zerg broke through the forefront floating minefield, he immediately recovered the mirror array and showed it. From this moment on, he will fight with the Zerg fire.
"Buzz …"
A deafening trill resounded through Fiona Fang’s Wanlitai Fortress and the compound turret. When it was ready for a long time, a sudden attack was unstoppable. What one-horned giant bug? What golden ladybug? Lost in the energy frenzy
After all, the golden ladybug does not have the strong defense against the insect tide falling into such a dense cannon light, and there are some unique phenomena
If the energy accumulation in the same area is too amazing, it will be distorted to some extent, and even a chain energy explosion will occur. The total energy must be vented or it will be broken and damaged to the root of the universe.
The universe is wonderful. When arranging fortifications, Wanhua has considered all kinds of details. The location of the fortress and the compound turret is very particular, which can kill the Zerg to the maximum extent.
"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
It’s a long story, but five or six breathing ladybugs are twisted around and then washed by a wave of light, which is responsible for protecting the giant droplets on the delivery platform. There are not many zerg living outside.
"After months of hard work, there is no white." Mu Wanhua breathed a sigh of relief. From the results, the secret attack does have a bonus effect
When arranging fortifications, it is impossible to carry out such an earth-shattering offensive and make surface tests at most. Most of the calculations are carried out in the brain, but now it is to resist insect robbery.
Giant droplets are also hit, and the energy slurry is rapidly contracting. Although it has achieved a certain wind, Mu Wanhua will not be proud of it. To tell the truth, she will not be proud of it. However, a small number of insect soldiers in the Zerg camp have been destroyed to make alveoli, which is nothing compared with the golden ladybug tide.
Sending a platform spews out a lot of insect shadows. The Zerg are even more tenacious after a series of blows. The low-level Zerg don’t have much self-awareness. They are a tool of war. Most of the time, they act according to their abilities.

Vaguely shouted, "Be careful to defend the enemy’s archery is very good! Prepare to burn the forest! "

How dare they set fire to the forest?
The piercing eyes revealed a burning anger.
"ah! ! !” He shouted wildly.
Another arrow broke through the dome.
He will turn the angry arrow in his hand into a killing force and shoot it out, even if it is smashed to pieces.
"Listen, the people inside want you to put your weapons out and surrender to me. The Tianfeng Army will let bygones be bygones and spare your lives or burn the forest." It was a young soldier who was hiding behind a shield under the orders of the chief executive.
That’s a fresh statement. Trying to get yourself to surrender?
The boy let out a contemptuous sneer.
However, his archery is superb, and he can’t resist a hundred soldiers by himself.
Seeing that the fire has spread the long dragon into a dancing snake, it will bring permanent damage to this jungle and turn it into an eternal scorched earth filled with wind and war. The young archer finally trembled.
Shallow water is clear and patiently outside the forest
"Dog, how about we make a bet?" He suddenly said
"What bet?"
"Guess how many people are there in the forest?"
"Three without three"
"What? Just because four arrows came from three different directions and hit our three brothers and added a torch? " Shallow water asks with a smile
"Yes," the dog nodded honestly
Shallow water clear haha laughed. "Then I said that there is a person, do you believe it?"
The dog has a wonderful expression. "If so, then this person must be a master."
"Shao is an absolute master of archery, a master of sniper tactics," said Shallow Water Qing.
Sniper? What does it mean that the dog is not white? Confused face with strange expression.
Shallow water Qing patted his head and obviously blamed himself for saying something wrong. "It’s not white to tell you that all three arrows were shot by the same person just now. I’m sure this person has excellent archery and strong wrist, and he should be a soldier who doesn’t belong to the wind and the water."
Said the shallow water Qing picked up an arrow still stained with blood "because his arrow is special."
The dog just woke up, and then a face of your shameless expression was shallow and clear.
A slightly immature voice appeared in the jungle. "Aren’t you ashamed that the soldiers dare to burn the forest as a threat and dare not come in to fight to the death?"
Shallow water clear eyebrows a slight lift.
Listen to the sound. Is that just a fierce arrow shot by a small child? Since he is a child, is he from this village? Shallow water can’t help but think
For a moment, he laughed, "Soldiers are here to fight, not to die. If you know that you are good at archery, you should go in and die. That’s not a warrior, but a fool. Otherwise, even if I don’t burn the forest, can more than 100 people, old and young, run away?"
Young people’s hearts are completely in rolling in the deep Middle School
The man hiding in the forest finally came out.
It was a boy with dark skin and heavy eyebrows who looked simple and unpretentious.
Shallow water Qing estimates that he is no more than seventeen years old.
His bow is bigger than his left waist, and he has a knife. The wooden handle is wrapped around and around, and the cotton cloth looks clumsy and ugly, but the blade is extremely sharp.
Shallow water’s clear eyes lit up. If you can see through people’s hearts at two o’clock, the starlight waved and several surrounded soldiers withdrew. Before he went, he said, "Do you look like a water stop soldier? Why do you want to hurt me?"
The teenager glared at the shallow water. "Of course, what else can it be to protect the village!"
"Sure enough," shallow water Qingwei nodded. "Have hundreds of people in a small village been reduced to the point of saving by a child? It’s really pathetic, sad and deplorable. "
Shallow water Qing carefully examined the young man in front of him. "You are good at archery, but you are too energetic and lack a little concentration. By the way, we are not here. Tucun needs to find some news about the activities of the water army."
"What’s the difference? ! When you soldiers came here, didn’t you burn, kill and plunder evil? When there is no food, we have to collect food. When we have finished collecting food, we are not satisfied. When we see women taking it away and money grabbing it once, it is not enough to do it again. Nearly a thousand people in Fangjia Village have been beaten by you in these years, and some villages have been slaughtered by you! "
The boy scolded the high-pitched hand and pointed to the old people in the distance and shouted, "Look at them! You have been numb for a long time. You can fight and kill them as you want. You have no idea of resisting. Now they have to eat, wear or not. You have to exploit this place again and again. There is nothing for you! "
Look at the numb and dull faces of those old people along the fingers of teenagers. Every face seems to have written the word suffering.

Because its value is really too high!

"This beauty sleep effect is extraordinary, and the sound is soft but mysterious! If you practice properly, even beginners can make the burning God fighters lose control. "
Su Yu smiled and handed Ling Aner the wooden box in her hand. "Does Aner like it?"
"Grandpa, this is too expensive!"
Linganer’s beautiful eyes cried with a wide face, which was a little cramped, nervous and hesitant.
She is eager to have a beautiful sleep, but she is even more afraid that she is not worthy of this piano.
"Precious? I don’t think. "
Su Yu smiled indifferently and suddenly looked at Ling Aner lightly. "If Aner doesn’t like it, I’ll smash it, so as to save the world from looking upset."
Say that finish Su Yu lifted the wooden box to hit.
My mother!
All a foolish heart to voice eyes have the brotherhood of the Wolf in my heart.
Big brother!
You don’t want this baby for me!
Everyone here wants a beautiful sleep!
Many people watched this scene and were nervous to death as if they were the parties, fearing that the piano would be destroyed!
"prodigal! What a loser! The maid didn’t dare to ask for the piano. He actually wanted to smash it! "
Some people are heartbroken, stamping their feet and beating their chests, both jealous and sad.
"Don’t! Grandpa, don’t smash it! I want it! "
Ling Aner hurriedly exclaimed and jumped up to stop Su Yu. Unfortunately, Xiao Ni’s height is not as high as Su Yu’s. Naturally, she can’t reach the wooden box.
She was so anxious that little Joan’s nose was covered with sweat, and her beautiful eyes were full of anxiety.
If you let the piano be destroyed by yourself, Ling Aner will regret the generation!
She really loves Qin and she really likes Qin Dao.
Not to mention that this is the first piano that Su Yu gave her real meaning, which is of great significance to girls.
Ling Aner will definitely take care of the piano as the most precious thing. How can she sit back and watch it be destroyed?
"Haha, I lied to you."
Su Yu laughed and put the wooden box into Ling Aner’s arms and said with a smile, "This broken piano belongs to you."
Seeing this scene, including Jade Qing Pavilion shopkeeper, many people were relieved and squeezed a cold sweat in their hearts.
This guy bites a broken piano and hits a beautiful woman to sleep. It’s hard to know what to say!
Said he chewed peony and didn’t know treasures?
But people know a lot about beauty sleeping!
Said he was greedy for beautiful treasures to please the maid?
But people look at the maid with clear eyes! And no matter who sleeps mainly, it seems that the maid doesn’t need to seduce with the harp!
In the end, everyone gave Su Yu a label of unruly behavior
This white man is really my pleasure!
Every line of his roots makes people wonder what’s on his mind.
"That’s very kind of you, Grandpa."
Linganer held the wooden box tightly in her arms and murmured at Su Yu and said
She felt the faint chill in the wooden box, but her whole heart was so hot that she almost melted herself.
Ling Aner’s beautiful eyes gradually filled with tears and looked at Su Yu with infatuation.
This is the best man she has ever met in her life!
No one has ever loved, respected and protected Su Yu so much.
Linganer gradually thought of the previous Su Yu said that sentence.
"Meeting you has exhausted all my luck in this life."
Ling Aner chewed this sentence.
Gradually, she couldn’t help but shed tears, filled with emotion and infatuation.
"Oh, why are you still crying!"
Su Yu one leng then stretched out his hand and took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped Ling Aner’s beautiful eyes smiling and hooked a beautiful little Joan’s nose. "Shouldn’t you get a beautiful sleep?" Ann’s crying is really not beautiful. I still like the way you laugh! "
Su Yu’s voice is very gentle and full of magnetism, like evil influence’s clinging to Ling Aner’s heart, which makes Ling Aner not want to leave Su Yu.
She is willing to sink like this in this life. Su Yu is gentle and never wakes up.
"People won’t cry if they don’t cry!"
Ling Aner quickly wiped away her tears and pouted. She wanted to laugh and cry.
"Don’t try the sound? If you don’t like beauty sleep, I’ll find you a better piano. "
Su Yu smiled and touched Ling Aner’s hair, feeling the delicate and fragrant fingers sliding out.
"Don’t! No audition! An ‘er plays the piano for grandpa! "
Ling Aner resolutely shook his head and then added, "Beauty sleep is already very good. Aner is already very satisfied! And it is the greatest blessing for Aner to meet Gongye! "
The beauty smiled artfully, and there were tears in her eyes. Ling Aner tried to keep her smile pink and tender, and her cheeks were full of attachment to Gongye.

Looking from it, there are many shrubs growing, and the green ground is like hemp, with holes all over it.

There are many Shuren monks hidden in the Song Hai, but they were chewed up in an instant along with the pine forest.
The old tree Tian Yu’s eyes flashed with sadness.
Look at Sun Hao’s eyes full of anger and unwillingness.
Friar Shuren, a flying ship in Zhongtuo domain, is stronger, holding on a little longer, but that’s all.
When there were many potholes, the Tiantuo domain-class flying ship collapsed, and trees appeared waving branches and falling from the sky in a frantic struggle.
Their trees, their branches and leaves are also drilled out like small snakes that have just hatched, and the insects are ferocious and quickly gnawing at their trees.
The tree man Tian Yu stood upright, and the wrinkled face of the dead tree gradually got out, and insects kept getting in and out from his mouth and nose.
His tall canopy also crawled, and many insects kept drilling around.
Body slightly shaking body worm a pendulum and eyes glared at Sun Hao bitterly, a small body stepped out from the trunk and floated in front of Sun Hao. "What a good Terran!" He shouted, "I’ll let you break your body today. We’ll see if the Terran will die with you in the future."
Sun Hao has a little pity in his eyes, and his mouth lightly says, "The Taoist friend thinks too much. gold silkworm’s extinction can be more than the flesh."
Tian Yu fit yuan god slightly for a stay.
The golden light of the extinct gold silkworm has illuminated his body.
Yuan Shen was dull after a shock.
Yuan Shen’s body still drilled a small snake, but the snake turned golden yellow and looked much more pleasing to the eye than those ferocious and horrible small snakes.
But whether it’s Tian Yu, Morgan and Terran monks, at this moment, looking at those golden snake faces, they are horrified and inexplicable.
What kind of gold silkworm?
Even Godsworn Yuan God can eat away at it like this.
Destroy gold silkworm!
It’s horrible to destroy the world, gold silkworm. Everyone instantly remembers the golden light in the middle, which looks like a small sun, gold silkworm.
Sun Hao was also the first time to bring it to the enemy after he got the soul of gold silkworm, and he never thought that his power would be so horrible.
Sun Hao came to the cloud incarnation gold silkworm to hide in the pine forest earlier.
Good deathless tree Terran monks, including Tian Yu, all ran to Fang Songhai to ambush.
At that time, Sun Hao remembered that he had never touched the most powerful method of insect killing in gold silkworm.
Gold silkworm, who perished in the world, was a peerless insect that was cultivated after years of hard planning by Miao people who were poisoned by weeds.
Sun Hao has never passed the method of poison.
Tree people are just hiding in Sun Hao’s neighborhood. Sun Hao’s golden silkworm moves and crawls in the jungle. The whole pine forest is contaminated by a lucky part.
The body of gold silkworm’s extinct magical powers is now incisively and vividly. These magical insects are as small as dust, and they absorb water through leaves and roots and penetrate into the body of tree people.
To the extent of extinction in gold silkworm, the method of insect Sun Hao can not cause Shuren to feel any abnormality for a generation if he is willing.
But since Shuren insists on Terran’s enemies, don’t blame Sun Hao for being rude.
The first battle of gold silkworm’s soul was ferocious and horrible.
Bloody anomaly
Even the Terran monks looked at the face and smiled, and Corleone couldn’t help but tighten slightly.
Especially Liu Bo, the king of polluted gods, is full of luck. Fortunately, Sun Hao is big enough not to take this bug to greet himself and the fourth princess. Think about it. When the worm is fascinated, it gets into the drill and Liu Bo bursts with scalp pins and needles.
Tian Yu, an old tree, struggled violently in the body of Yuan Shen, tumbling and dancing to drive the worm out of the body.
No matter what he does, there are still insects in the Yuan God who are constantly bathed in golden light and grow up.
At this moment, the branches and leaves are flying wildly all day, and the tree people are floating everywhere, and small snakes are dragging the mucus tree and eating.
Weeping and eating salsa all over the sky
The sky is like tears, and the earth is like tears.
The fallen tree people kept struggling, the stench spread everywhere, and the evil insects were in great pain.
Watching Brother Morgan’s protoss heart is full of fear. Looking at Sun Haohao seems to see the devil.
That’s tough. That’s strong, gold silkworm
It seems that this young man is so cruel that so many elite trees and terrans have been killed in one fell swoop without blinking an eye.
Once Morgan protoss is defeated, the outcome will not be much better.
Tian Yu Yuan Shen struggled frantically for a while and found himself completely entangled with insects. He growled at Sun Haoda, "The rogue tree Terran remembers you. Even if you destroy me, there is still a way to escape from the birth. You wait. The tree Terran and your Terran will never die."
Take a fancy to the hysteria, the face is ferocious, and there are little golden snakes drilling around to cultivate people. Sun Hao’s face shows a little pity. "It’s a pity that even if you keep the old tree, you can be distracted and reborn, but what you met in this cave of tree terrans will become a permanent secret."
The old tree’s face showed a casual expression and his mouth murmured, but his face suddenly changed. He looked up at the sky and muttered, "How did this happen? How did this happen? "
Sun Haoyou sighed, "Daoyou, let’s go at ease."
Booming an old tree, the golden light of the deified road collapsed and scattered, and all the golden snakes rushed out and fell into extinction. gold silkworm’s body was extinct, and gold silkworm’s wings shook slightly and he took a tonic.
The tree fell from it, and the ground whined and gradually calmed down. There was some flying dust left on the ground and it kept crawling, and it became an arm family, but it was still more than a foot long. The chubby little snakes rose too much, and they could not swim, and the ground kept crawling.

Yu’s second-wave armored vehicle, which was originally intended to be the leading role, has now almost become a small one.

After several rounds of confrontation, the flying insects suddenly became sparse, and the remaining flying insects were named by the laser one by one. Not long after, they died in a clean Duluo Island, and a giant insect could no longer be seen.
Without the target, the fleet will no longer launch missiles, light bugs will no longer intercept naval guns, and there will be no fire. Not long ago, the battlefield became extremely quiet, but there was an indescribable strangeness in this silence.
Qi Jingwen is not sure if he will continue. He is going to ask the headquarters to reach the order to continue the operation.
No matter how many ideas Qi Jingwen has, he can crustily skin of head and lead the team.
The expected interception did not appear again. Ten minutes later, the team arrived at the scheduled area and found the enemy’s nest smoothly.
Qi Jingwen felt like a dream, but since the enemy didn’t intercept him, there was no need to be polite. He ordered armored vehicles to block the exit of the enemy’s nest in all directions and maximize the power of the second wave gun.
Qi Jingwen and his soldiers blocked the enemy’s nest for more than 90 minutes until they were sure that there could be no living things in the cave before putting a group of mechanical spiders in.
Soon after, the picture in the enemy’s nest came out. Qi Jingwen was startled to find that the underground hole was actually clean and could not find a worm!
The mechanical spider continued to go deep into the enemy’s nest until it found a group of stupid and fat giant worms. There were some giant worms nearby that should be fat worm food, and some flying insects with wrinkled wings that seemed to be just born …
Qi Jingwen immediately grasped the thoughts in his mind. He knew about the giant worms. Those stupid and fat worms must be some kind of female worms. They ate the giant worms with miscellaneous brands and then transformed these devouring nutrients into flying insects … Hehe, no wonder there are so few insects in the enemy’s nest. It must be eaten by the fat worms. Otherwise, where did the aliens get so many flying insects?
Chapter 113 Kill two birds with one stone
The Battle of Duluo Island is in full swing, while the allies in Europe and America continue to push south.
Due to repeated ambushes by aliens, both the European Coalition forces and the American army are more cautious than before, and many of them are not moving as fast as before.
However, slowness is also relatively speaking. No matter when the mechanized troops March, the speed is not slow enough to destroy the enemy nests along the way!
The strategic node of human beings is the strategic node of urban aliens, and the strategic node is the nest. On human beings and aliens, no matter how large-scale field operations are, they will seize the strategic node.
In mid-May, shortly after the Southeast Group advanced into Duluo Island for the second time, the Western European Union troops successfully recovered the western European plain and pushed the front to the French-Spanish border.
The troops on the eastern front also successfully recovered the Bode plain, drove the enemy into the depths of the Alps and pushed the front to the south bank of the Danube.
The complex terrain in the depths of the Alps is not conducive to the exhibition of mechanized troops, so the European Coalition forces have no idea of marching into the Alps for the time being. As planned, the European Coalition forces are prepared to surround the Alps from the left and right sides of the Alps and seize the Apennine Peninsula and the Balkans at the same time, and then wipe out the enemies who have fled into the mountains when the time is right.
On the American side, the American army’s east and west lines were heavily fortified step by step, and the actual control line of aliens was continuously compressed, which not only recaptured the occupied territory of the American army, but also pushed the front across the Mexican border into Mexico in one breath.
The North American continent is wide in the north and narrow in the south, and that folding position is exactly the border between Mexico and Mexico, that is to say, after crossing the border, before the density of the rice army.
However, the more troops there are, the better. Franklin rationally asked most of the rice troops to stand by and let a quarter of the total combat troops cross the border.
Generally speaking, human military operations have achieved great success in this period. Although there are some minor problems on the three fronts of Asia, Europe and the United States, on the whole, human beings are still dominant.
It was also during this period that the confrontation between the enemy and ourselves entered a new stage. To sum up, it was the armor of human beings and the marginalization of giant insects and ammunition
But aliens are never willing to fail and have been secretly brewing new counterattacks.
In the early morning of May 24, 237, Beidu time, the central part of Duluo Island.
Qi Jingwen got out of the armored car and found a place to solve a personal problem.
As soon as I got back to the armored vehicle, I saw the correspondent rush over and whispered, "Report the latest order!" With a wave of his finger, Qi Jingwen immediately received an encrypted file.
Qi Jingwen asked, "What did the noodles say?"
According to the meteorological department, tropical storm No.1 this year is approaching Duluo Island from the southeast. It is expected that the storm center will pass through Luzon and Duluo at around 15: 00 this afternoon and order us to seize the favorable opportunity of storm warning flying insects to take off and launch a general attack to resolutely and completely destroy the enemy!
Qi Jingwen looked up after listening to it. Last night, Wan Liqing was covered by low and low lead clouds. The dark clouds were so low that he could touch them with his hand raised, which filled his heart with unspeakable depression. "Okay, I get it!"
The correspondent turned away from Qi Jingwen and returned to the command vehicle to communicate with the fleet. "You Zhou You Zhou, please answer!"
"You Zhou, please go ahead!"
"You Zhou’s order has been received, but our department consumes a lot of money and needs supplies urgently. Please ask the logistics forces to send supplies as soon as possible!"
"Youzhou White Team is approaching your department and is expected to arrive around 9: 00!"
At the end of the communication, Qi Jingwen breathed a long sigh of relief, but he didn’t let go and secretly guessed whether the supply team could arrive on time.
At present, the landing troops have controlled more than half of Duluo Island, and the remaining enemy will be pressed to the south of Duluo Island. At this time, it will take several days to completely control the island.
However, the landing troops moved too fast, and the supply team of the front combat troops took off the rest of the supplies in Qi Jingwen’s hand, that is, there was no offensive ability at all.
If supplies can’t be delivered on time, Qi Jingwen’s troops can’t attack on time.
Although Qi Jingwen had already memorized the map of the island, he still found the map and carefully thought about how to fight the battle.
He is a northerner who is not familiar with tropical storms, but the sky is overcast and the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and it will definitely be stormy before long.
There are towering trees and armored vehicles everywhere, and there are 20 or 30 tons of iron bumps. No matter how strong the storm is, it is impossible to make the troops. The problem is still supply. If we can’t grab the supply before the rainstorm …
Just thinking about the sudden drip alarm from the car radar, Qi Jingwen looked up and immediately saw several flashing spots on the radar screen.
Before he could count how many targets the radar found, the drops suddenly became extremely urgent. A moment before the screen, there were several light spots, which occupied less than half of the screen!
Qi Jingwen suddenly stare big eyes a lift the top out of the car.
Lead clouds A group of giant worms rose against the wind and flapped their wings, flying in the sky and humming from a distance as if a group of planes were flying low.
Qi Jingwen immediately retracted the car line and roared, "The enemy attacked and fired smoke bombs-"
As soon as all armored vehicles immediately threw smoke bombs, smoke dispersed around the camp and quickly enveloped a large jungle.
Move with the team. Twelve self-propelled laser anti-aircraft guns will be started immediately. The flying insects will instantly pierce the sky when aiming at the cannon pot. Every time the laser flashes, a flying insect will fall.
The optical anti-aircraft gun was sent to Duluo Island only a few days ago. The chassis of a newly equipped light armored vehicle with a low-power laser gun is the most ideal field anti-aircraft weapon with long range and fast response.
Because the light beam can be directed directly, this kind of laser gun is mainly used to prevent ground targets under the right conditions.
Before being equipped with light anti-aircraft guns, the landing troops can’t leave the cover of the fleet if they are outside the island. After the light anti-aircraft guns arrived in Duluo Island, the landing troops immediately entered the depths of Duluo Island.
It was a great contribution to capture most of Duluo Island in such a short time.
But today, it is too low to go to different clouds. Flying insects can rush into the clouds with a few wings to hide themselves, and the clouds can also block the laser and kill two birds with one stone!
Chapter 114 You go
Qi Jingwen immediately realized that the situation was not good, and Ma asked Youzhou for help.
He is a little confused about when the enemy attacked at this time. Is it also to benefit the coming storm?
After receiving the request, the fleet immediately locked the target and fired a batch of long-range anti-missile missiles at the swarm in the dark clouds.
Dark clouds can cover insects as well as missiles. Without light insects, intercepting this wave of missiles will definitely kill many insects.
At the same time, you Zhou turned the bow engine to run at full power, and the highest speed was 30 knots per hour, facing the sea wind speed from the southeast.
The heavy man-machine on the flight deck of Youzhou was quickly sent to the take-off position by the ground crew. The magnetic catapult drawbar hooked the front landing gear, and then the personnel were evacuated. The two ground crews knelt on the right side of the man-machine and stretched out their right arms at the same time and pointed the sword at the front of the deck!

"Okay, I’ll speak first." When I heard the clan leader’s words, I immediately went to derive the half-black and half-white streamer condensation finger tip from the beads in Tidantian.

The sound slowly followed the clan leader’s words, and I immediately arranged to put our party and clan leader in the improved formation method and then quickly arranged to trap the clan leader alone.
Too self-sustaining clan main show is that I didn’t expect that I would suddenly make a move and be trapped in the array.
I won’t be able to see more because our party and the clan leader disappeared from the original place, which caused how the people outside reacted. The clan leader will react in the array.
Make an emergency move. The hidden shape array I have arranged is not as long as Rado’s method. Then, another array is arranged in the array, and then the stones are instantly removed from the object ring. When we shake hands, we will arrange a new array as soon as the clan leader breaks the array.
From the appearance of the clan leader, it was obvious that Feng Erdan was seriously distracted. At this time, he asked me if I wanted him to take a look at Feng Erdan to bless the array. I shook my head and said that I would not for the time being.
If the array is broken against the spirit, it will cause serious damage. I don’t know whether the strength of the clan leader is as good as mine. Naturally, I can’t easily let Feng Erdan bless the array.
Glancing at Feng Er’s egg, my eyes will be immediately focused on the main body of the clan in the array.
Turning my head, I saw that the tangible force at the finger tip of the clan leader in the array ejected out, and the array was gone with the broken wind.
The surly clan owner leans forward with his right hand holding the claw, and sees that the instant will be catapulted towards the position where our party is located.
Chapter six hundred and nineteen demons array
What I saw in front of me made me panic instantly. I never thought that the so-called clan leader could break the array so quickly.
Although I’m ready to arrange a new array once the clan leader breaks the array.
When I saw that the array was broken, I immediately shot the clan leader again. Before he left the ground, another array method trapped him.
I’m relieved to see that I finally trapped the clan leader in the array again, and I won’t let myself deviate from the clan leader again.
The tumultuous footsteps came into my ears, and more and more people and ghosts came to this huge frustum of a cone to surround the position where our party and the clan owner were just now.
Goo Tsai waited for me to tell a ghost to arrive, and instantly pulled out his body, hanging high and standing still. The deterrent force of the ghost spirit poured out and shocked those ghosts who arrived. None of them dared to approach the array.
For the array method, those who are not in the array and those who enter the array cannot know the specific situation in the middle.
The improved formation method I arranged is my own formation method. From the angle of view, such as coordination with the pace, it is all a method to enter the formation.
If you want to break this array, either I am killed or I voluntarily withdraw it.
So outsiders can’t get into the array law to see how it is broken.
Although the spirit array method without ghost array can’t prevent ghosts from entering and leaving, it is equally effective for ghosts, but non-arrangers and entrants can’t know the specific situation in the array.
If ghosts don’t enter the array, it’s also a way to see what’s going on in the array.
So I’m not worried about what moths can be caused by ghosts who dare not go near outside the array.
Although Goo Zi is tall, his feet are in array, which is equivalent to being in array. I am not worried about what attack Goo Zi will encounter.
At the moment, although our party is temporarily safe, although the arranger can see through the arranged array at a glance, once the array is deployed, it is also a way to attack different array people.
Staring intently at the clan leader in the array, I frowned and thought that we should get away from each other one after another.
It is an eternal truth to catch the thief first and catch the king first.
I feel that the idea of catching the thief and catching the king first may be an idea for me now.
What I can do now is to repeatedly delay the deployment and hope that there are array methods that can seriously hurt the clan leader and trap the clan leader.
As each array is broken by the clan leader, I will arrange new arrays again and again when the clan leader breaks the array.
This situation makes it difficult for me to calm down, so when I can arrange the ring and all the objects are finished, it will be time for our party to be killed by the clan leader.
Before, I felt that the clan owner and Feng Erdan would be old friends.
Although Feng Er-dan gave me an ambiguous answer, I didn’t give an answer. I saw that the clan leader’s methods of breaking the array many times were extremely crisp and agile. In addition, after the clan leader gradually became confused, I felt that even if the clan leader and Feng Er-dan were not old friends, he was proud of his family.
After the clan leader’s eyes are puzzled, the speed of breaking the array is greatly reduced, so when I have to arrange the array again, I sometimes arrange a more complicated demon array.
I want to know from the reaction of the clan owner whether he and Feng Er-dan knew each other and whether they had anything to do with his proud family.
When you enter that group, people can inevitably recall the past that they can’t remember in their hearts, and even more, they will recall the gloomy past, limiting the amplification of the gloomy mood and immersing them in it.
People with weak minds will recall all the things that have caused a little emotional fluctuation in their lives when they enter that array, and then repeat the memories for the gloomy past.
The more you repeatedly recall the gloomy past, the more gloomy emotions in the gloomy past will be amplified and amplified, which will eventually make people go into a state of madness and even directly end their lives.
People with a firm mind will recall things that have a deep memory in their past lives, even if they don’t repeat the gloomy past, so they can’t avoid feeling an emotional amplification and gloomy past ending.
The mind-demon array method refers to the mental definition of the arranger.
Therefore, the firm positioning of the magic array for the mind is defined with reference to my physical and mental wisdom.
If someone is strong enough to catch up with my mind, then I
Segmented reading 416
The arranged array of demons is effective.
As soon as I saw the clan leader enter the formation, I immediately frowned. I know it was the clan leader who struggled to suppress his emotions.
The clan owner frowned for a while, and the original expression collapsed, and the fundus gradually became full of sadness, and then plopped down on his knees and curled up.
"Don’t kill me. Don’t kill me. I won’t rob anything. I won’t ask for the clan title. Please spare me." The clan owner waved his hand in panic
It will be a way to get rid of the demon array for a while after making sure that people who have entered the demon array have strange emotions. I glance at Feng Er-dan at my side.
I saw Feng Er-dan staring at the main eyes of the demons array clan to explore the emotional aggravation.
I asked Feng Erdan if he remembered something. Feng Erdan shook his head.
Continue to pay attention to the clan leader. After I saw the clan leader begging for mercy for a while, my expression suddenly became happy. I stood up from the ground and jumped like a child.
"Thank you for saving my life. How about I learn from you? I will honor you when I grow up." There is expectation in the lead voice of the clan.
When I heard about the clan master’s learning, I carefully noted the words he received to see if he would be proud of the world, but I never heard the words "proud of the world"
"Although you and I have no apprenticeship, you are always my most respected master in my heart. I will go back to China this time. If I have life, I will definitely come to serve you again." The clan owner’s eyes are full of sadness.
The words of the clan leader made me slightly raise my eyebrows.
"I swear to heaven that I am the only one who has studied the Aoshimen Kung Fu. I will never leak the Aoshimen Kung Fu, and I will never disrespect the Aoshimen if I violate this oath." I am always ecstatic when I hear the words Aoshimen.
It doesn’t matter what the clan owner says anymore. I’ll look at Feng Er-dan again and ask him if he thinks of anything at the moment.
Feng Erdan covered his head and said that he seemed to think of something soon, but he didn’t know what it was.
I knew that some of his past memories had been sealed by his grandmaster on the seventh night of his resurrection. When I saw Feng’s reaction, I said to Feng, since I can’t think of it, don’t think much about waking up his grandmaster to seal his memories.
Feng Er-dan suddenly realized that his expression even said no wonder. Besides, it seems that the clan leader was also taken in by his master and granted some proud clan laws.
I told Feng Er-dan that even if I can’t remember it, I should pretend to remember it for a while. When the clan owner broke the demon array, he would immediately report himself as his master and tell him that my grandmaster was anonymous.
Feng Erdan said this simply and said with a smile that I didn’t expect this matter to be solved easily today. I told Feng Erdan that everything is possible and my heart is always relaxed.
Feng Erdan asked me that since I already knew that the clan leader was proud of his family, I wouldn’t directly remove the array. I said that letting the clan leader feel the past experience would make him cherish his present life more.
Feng Erdan laughed and gave me a thumbs-up and said that after all, he was right, and it would not be easy for me to come.
"Master, do you think it’s good for me to do this?" I have relaxed my mood, and I can’t help smiling after hearing Feng Er’s words.
"Wang Po sells melons and boasts that it is good to be good." Feng Erdan laughed his head off.
"Master, you should find a fig leaf for this naked person." I stood on my shoulder and kept quiet all the time. The white fox stopped at this time.
White fox password I glanced at the target person and looked at the target person in the eye. I saw that the target person was embarrassed and looked a little overwhelmed.
I couldn’t help laughing at the same time. I put the ring on a big white cloth and teleported it out to the target person to make do with it first

[drop! Congratulations to the host! Love the people is as famous as the name! Blackstone county territory popularity +5! 】

[drop! Congratulations to the host! Due to the proper war measures, it conforms to the characteristics of the lords, and the popularity of Beishan County territory is automatic +7]
[drop! Congratulations to the host! There are more than 500,000 people in the county! Get 5 points of popular energy! 】
A series of signs almost stunned Su Yu.
The war came to an end, but according to the calculation, it was judged that Beishan County had been attacked by Su Yu!
Because this is Su Yu’s first foreign war, the result is calculated and rewarded!
Since Su Yu legally obtained the territory of Blackstone County, he can obtain his territory by means to expand his territory! Means include but are not limited to siege, economic invasion, cultural invasion and so on.
"kill! ! !”
Zhang Jialiang growled mutinous soldiers, and his physical strength kept flashing, and his body was like thunder and wind!
Two thousand mutineers were killed by Zhang Jialiang and scurried around the square to avoid it.
The mutinous soldiers are in battle?
Stand up against ideas?
These are all talks before absolute strength!
"A hundred years old?"
Su Yu picked his eyebrows. He didn’t expect this piece of Jia Liang to be a hundred-year-old master!
The force value is not weak and he is good at quick wits. The key is that Zhang Jialiang’s father has been working in northern Xinjiang.
At this moment, Su Yu understood the idea of love.
This person’s human nature is not bad, but he has gone the wrong way.
Prime minister belly punting willing to drop Zhang Jialiang Su Yu a read?
Su Yu touched Ba and looked at Zhang Jialiang like a mad tiger in the square shape.
He hated these soldiers who cheated him. Zhang Jialiang himself was carrying the beliefs and expectations of the people, but he didn’t expect that the tiger killed a large number of people in Beishan County!
Regret Zhang Jialiang’s mind keeps rolling, which makes him want to kill all these deceitful animals!
"Don’t kill! Don’t kill it! Please don’t kill the general! "
"We know that we are wrong! Please give us a chance! "
The mutinous soldiers wailed, and they didn’t know the fear until the moment of death.
"Begging for mercy?"
Zhang Jialiang sneer at latosolic red pupil "you this group of f * * king beast now know afraid of death? Were they not afraid of those people who died in your hands? Have you ever been soft! "
Zhang Jialiang roared again and waved his steel knife constantly.
He killed two thousand mutineers in half an hour.
A ray of morning light began to appear on the horizon, and the sun began to pop up on the other side of the horizon.
"It’s dawn!"
Someone murmured
The county is full of war. The night is coming to an end!
At this time, the county square was covered with bodies of mutinous soldiers, and Zhang Jialiang was alone with a steel knife.
He was panting on his knees with a bleeding wound.
Zhang Jialiang slaughtered two thousand rioters in front of everyone!
"Seibel, go and tell him."
Su Yu said indifferently
Seibel nodded, remembering that Su Yu talked to him just now.
Seibel strode forward to the front of Zhang Jialiang and looked down at him. Lang said, "Gongye said that you have been loyal to the Zhang family for generations! How can the glory of this ancestor’s elders be said to be diu diu! I don’t want to see you, Zhang Jia. If you are willing to surrender me, I will accept your help! "
"Really no!"
Zhang Jialiang clasped the steel knife and shook his hand. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Seibel with discerning eyes.
"Can you tell a joke?"
Glared at seibel Zhang Jialiang.
"But I’m an anti-thief. If I lose my loyalty, I’ll keep my name!"
Zhang Jialiang expression some ferocious and hesitant.
"F * * king! Lord, you are hesitant at present! What a Beishan man! Is it shameful to surrender? Get up and look at the people in front of you! Do you have the meaning of persistence in your so-called loyalty? "
Seibel huffed, pointing to the tens of thousands of people around the square and shouted "Take a good look! It’s my Lord that you want to surrender! But you have to play for millions of people in Beishan County! "
"You joined my Lord is joined Sue palace? Is it chasing power, interests and money? Bah! "
Seibel sneer at the roar a way "all the people seek happiness! It is my main road! "
Based on the people’s way is the real king!
The most difference between Su Yu and the emperors is that he is good at grasping the core of the problem!
Without the people, how dare the emperor call himself emperor?
Without the support of thousands of people, Su Yu will talk about conquering thousands of worlds!
Zhang Jialiang trembled with tears in his eyes. He saw the hopeful faces of the people!
That’s Ding Li ‘an and Chief Liu who never gave them a sense of security!
Only with the arrival of Su Yu can these people return home completely!
Isn’t it worthwhile for all peoples to follow the Lord and let themselves be so reserved to follow the left and right?
"Belonging to the people and descending to the Lord"

"You …!" Three eyes were shocked and angry because he weighed one. Yang Jian, who was holding an axe, took a third of his avatar and two honour stones from his identity.

"It’s not the kui that Jiro Zhenjun’s nine turns of Xuangong fruit is the strongest magical power." The throne Vientiane Xiandi said with a smile
"You can steal my avatar? !” Three-eyed drinking
"Ah?" Emperor Wanxiang asked him, "Ginseng and fruit trees once said that God is not holy. Do you know?"
Saint is called’ high’
The peak of the twenty-four heavens is the sacred body and the conceptual Eucharist.
But why can’t God be holy?
“?” Three eyes are not white
Hehe, Vientiane Xiandi shook his head and smiled. Of course, he can’t tell Sanmu for no reason.
"God of Yang Jian drove him out of Luotian!"
Vientiane Immortal Emperor gave an order to hold an axe, and Yang Jian’s three eyes were scared to fight against the three eyes, and he did not dare to continue to fight. He suddenly emerged from the Luotian.
When I return to my own country, I will look at my history. Ten stops and three stops have completely lost the historical length of three or four robberies.
There are even two missing stones.
This loss is really not small
When we look back for Vientiane’s immortal emperor, it’s already gone.
Three eyes out of the sky.
Lin Chong threw out a fish-class starship and dragged it into the virtual jump.
It’s really scary to hit the wolf at both ends.
Just now, Lin Chong wanted to teach a lesson.
But I didn’t expect Sanmu to be so "brave" and pull his hand, which was to bomb the history.
You know, the flat peach tree was not so extravagant when it mastered the history of the Millennium robbery.
That is to say, when the secret of "germinal manifestation" wiped out the earth’s human beings, it took almost a hundred times to rob the long river of history.
One robbery is equal to 120,000 years. An attack is equivalent to shaping a long river with a history of 120,000 years into a weapon, which weighs far more than a hundred earthly heavy flat peach trees. The secret of "germinal manifestation" is the same level.
It is very rich to rob the long river of history in the hands of Sanmu.
If you are shot by this gun, the whole day will be cancelled and cracked.
Fortunately, the alien wall is strong enough.
I don’t know what to do with this "fierce man" after Lin Chong took a blow from the plane wall. Suddenly I remembered that the ginseng fruit tree said that God was not holy. Maybe …
Lin Chong really learned a lot from the fight between Qianlin Ginseng Fruit Tree and Flat Peach Tree.
Including high-vision visualization
Historical river control method
At this moment, the three-eye high vision will be shrouded, and it will suddenly be felt that the three-eye high vision is full of … uncertainty.
It seems that a pile of building blocks will collapse at any time.
Lin Chong had a brainwave and spread his eyes over Luotian.
Yue Luotianlin rushed to the official history of’ Jiro Zhenjun’ and poured it into his ears.
Three eyes are also the original. Yang Jian used to be as sweet as honey. If he didn’t get a high position, every sentence of history would make him gain a little strength and find a little magical power
But after getting high, this liter is as poisonous as arsenic.
The truth is that Lin Chong is not clear enough to guess.
Now Sanmu has two defects:’ high’ and’ God’.
The concept of high indivisibility is offset by the honorific stone
Conceptualization of stone method by honoring titles
God’s indestructible characteristic is also offset by mastering the long river of history and achieving a high vision state.
Once the three eyes are destroyed, the three eyes of the State of Jin will also perish.
God is not high.
Because it’s too easy to die
It is also easy to be divided.
Just now, for example, Lin Chong abruptly differentiated from a three-eye body into a Yang Jian with an axe of the gods.
"Thank you, Vientiane Xiandi, for helping me out." Yang Jian saluted Lin Chong. "See you some other day."
Cough! Lin Chong coughed, "Does Yang Jian God not consider me staying in Luotian for a few days?"

Its two dark eyes are ten times bigger than ordinary scorpions, and you can notice at a glance that there is a kind of wave light flow every time you turn your eyes, unlike ordinary scorpions who often ignore their eyes.

It has seven broad front abdomen and five narrow and flexible back abdomen, and there is a layer of extremely light gold in the front and back abdomen, which is still red in the seam.
At the end of its tail, there is an elliptical sphere with a venom-hiding protrusion to form a tail thorn, which is dark red and held high like a combat knife.
"Blood crystal? Red crystal? If it doesn’t move … why does it feel like a crystal scorpion? It’s so soft, but it’s not like that. How can it tell if it’s a male or a female? Never studied it! How can you help me deal with the enemy when I grow up so soft … "
Scorpion seems to feel the quick opening and closing of Yi Yi’s pincers. After a few times, the tail needle of the abdomen rolls up, the palm of the hand tilts, wobbles and turns several times, and the body gradually becomes like a substance.
The sense of hierarchy is rarely angular, and it instantly turns into a mighty little scorpion. The auxiliary arm is very smooth and natural in crystal armor.
"Good little guy actually knows what I mean." Yi’s left hand flicked its body a few times and tinkled like steel.
He didn’t believe in evil and strengthened his strength. Xiao scorpion quit, twisted his body and crawled around. His eyes looked like grievances, and he pointed his fingers back and forth. It seemed like a threat.
"Ha ha ….." Easy to be amused by its humanized dynamic expression and couldn’t help laughing at the moment.
Scorpion’s four pairs of feet gradually adapted to crawling, happy, easy to turn around, and all parts of the body began to shake frequently, like combat knives, and the tail needle left, right and left did not stop
As time goes by, the more I look at it, the more interested I am. Observing its every move with great interest, the more I look at it from the inside out.
I don’t know how amazing the toxicity of the scorpion toxin was when it was sucked away, but if it was developed, it would be a problem and it would take so many years to take shape!
The fourth volume Dry Kun copulation Chapter two hundred and seventy-two Yearning for magic.
I’m afraid I have to keep it as a pet in this issue! It’s an idiotic dream to expect it to present itself to the enemy!
The little blood scorpion is slow to move, and the head seems to have lost a lot of energy. It’s strange to say to himself, "Are you hungry?"
Yi wanted to take out a piece of raw scorpion meat, tear it into small pieces, put it in his mouth and whispered, "Eat."
I didn’t know that the scorpion’s claws reached out and touched it, but it was easy to climb backwards. I was surprised and took out glutinous rice to crush it. I fed it or not, and then it turned into all kinds of food. It didn’t move.
"Huh?" It’s strange that you don’t eat any vegetarian food. Do you eat some insects?
Remember that the Internet said that scorpions are carnivores who like to eat soft, juicy and protein-rich small animals. This kind of animals will not eat these things, right?
Yi spread it in his right hand and went out of the prison forest to look for all kinds of bugs and animals.
After many experiments, it is easy to find that it is true. It is very fond of spiders, centipedes, locust nymphs, crickets, ground beetles, rice moths and earthworms.
At first, it was easy to catch it, and then it was put on the ground. It had the strength to wander around for a few laps and began to run around and start looking for it.
This little thing doesn’t look like it just laid eggs, just like killing insects when it was born. When it comes to eating well-fed and not getting in the way … I’m afraid that it’s a plunge regardless of the size of the tail needle.
Avoid slow worms or animals and instantly turn into a pool, braving smoke and pus, and run fast. It runs after it and has no strength. It starts to kill insects, eat and continue to kill. When it disappears, it will stop after opening and closing a few pliers.
The tail needle is extremely sharp and hard, and so is the pliers. Two clicks on stones and trees can make a gap, and the tail needle pierces once.
As time goes by, the body of blood scorpion looks more and more substantial, and the bloody horny shell shines brightly by the sun, giving off blurred colors and forming a circle of pale gold halo outside, which makes it look more pleasing to the eye and more enjoyable.
And the little blood scorpion never forgets that Yi climbs away from a pair of dark eyes and looks at Yi from time to time. If he doesn’t follow, he will come back to him and seem to be attached.
Moreover, the four pairs of walking feet can climb freely from the easy foot to the top of the head, and they can throw their weight around and open a pair of pliers.
It’s also very playful, with its tail hooked around its ears and its body shaking upside down, or it’s easy for pliers to gently clamp its earlobe and curl up into a circle like a big red earring.
That is to say, it is easy for the flesh to be polished enough to be strong, otherwise, a clip of the pincers that can cut gold and break jade can not be opened. The pincers with sharp tail needle and acute toxicity are really a very dangerous animal for outsiders.
Easy to start is also very defensive. Later, the mysterious and mysterious association made him put his guard down and finally stopped being afraid.
Although he is happy in his heart, he is also sad. First, he often goes out to walk, meditate and practice, and he can’t go in and out all the time.
There is also a little blood scorpion that needs to eat and kill insects, which is really troublesome for people who often practice for a few days. I haven’t seen it eat until it seems to be the bottom of my stomach for such a long time.
It’s inconvenient that the dry Kun bag can’t hold living things. Although the insects are small, there are fluctuations in life. How to bring these insects with you at all times becomes a problem … "Yes! This brain actually forgot the worm sac. "WAP 11 Dune frowned and slapped his head hard. He swept away his sorrow and took out the black flat leather worm sac and leaned into the smile, which was even more beaming.
"There are countless poisonous methods, and the insects are several times more powerful than the ordinary fragile insects. The little guy is not afraid of virulence, but he loves it. After he gets revenge, he puts it in his pocket and keeps it somewhere else."
"Come on, little guy!" Yi stretched out his palm and said to it.
Blood scorpion is a little confused. It looks easy to hesitate for one or four pairs of steps. Move back and forth from the easy vamp to the right palm pliers.
"This little thing is not the kui is a heterogeneous …" Yi Zan’s left hand pinched the tactic to find out a grotesque little poisonous method and sent it to the mouth of blood scorpion.
Blood scorpion mouth stretched out a pair of pincers, grabbed open pincers and severely pinched it. Suddenly, a stream of juice came out, and it changed in two.
It was so excited that it started to eat a few mouthfuls and then licked the palm juice clean.
Then a little fidgety, the pincers stretch back and forth, and it’s easy to watch and stare at the worm, and the pincers are easy to rub their palms.
"How interesting it would be if this little thing could talk!"
Easy to take a full face of smile to find out the poisonous method of the worm capsule one by one and send it to the mouth of the blood scorpion to feed it like a child.
When I feel different, I feel that time passes very quickly. I spend a little blood in one day.
Its spiritual wisdom grows very fast. At the beginning, the sacrifice was very big and easy. It has a subtle connection. Whenever the spirit extends to it, it will have a mysterious feeling of blood connection.
It’s easy to convey one’s heart’s meaning through oral speaking and mental reading, and the blood scorpion is vaguely incomprehensible, and it becomes more and more human with time.
It’s easy to wonder if this is a mark of a different kind, which has been carried out since it was born … Otherwise, how could it become so spiritual just after laying eggs!
Yi can be sure that this blood scorpion will become a demon sooner or later if it is not taught some knowledge in an accident.
He is also more and more keen on talking with blood scorpions. He seems to be possessed for a day.
Yi is also a test. The bleeding scorpion has a characteristic from repulsion to harmony for the body qi and flame elements. The flame is all over the body, and it needs to be stable.
And it looks very excited with fire, and its pale gold will slowly spread to the body and become a glittering scorpion, which is very strange and makes Yi extremely excited and confused.
When Yi returned to the virtual floating pagoda, the blood scorpion hid behind his neck, and the collar and body faded, and the flesh recovered, and it was very honest to stick to Yi’s neck.
It’s easy to be uncomfortable at first, but now I’m used to letting my hair hang freely to cover my neck to prevent being seen and making a fuss.
No, it will delay the business. Anyway, it will be more intimate than anyone in the future.
Easy to sit and practice, dispel a distracting thought, calm down and sum up the experience of zombie fighting.
There are two reasons for thinking about it: one is that it is not repaired enough, and the other is that the flying sword is not sharp and hard enough.
It is easy to see that the drawback of the red blood ghost sword is that when I first refined it, I wanted it to be soft and hard, and a lot of flexible metals were added.
Usually, the flying sword is a hard sword and will not bend, but it will become soft and hard after being integrated into the true qi, and it will be controlled by mind and mind.
But in this way, because Wang Tong is invulnerable, his flying sword will have an anti-shock, and there will be a bending change in the control of mind and mind
Yi had to break the sword of red blood and ghost several times if he didn’t stop working hard. This is one thing.
Another point is that the material is not good, and it is too popular. The ordinary sword repairing base in the field of revision is made of this kind of pure gold and other metal materials. It is easy to think about it, except that it has a little more texture and a little unique practice.
As far as the dead Yan Wuxing flying sword is concerned, it can be seen at a glance that Gao Lai doesn’t even look twice.
These days, I have gained a lot of knowledge, and at the same time, I have gained a lot of natural materials and several extremely rare materials, which makes me more and more dissatisfied with refining my own magic weapon
For example, I can’t get rid of the heterogeneous roots like Wang Tong, so I can change the enemy one by one, but there is no sharpness at all.
Easy to yearn for is to cut off all substances with three feet of Qingfeng in your hand, pierce all the bodies, and fight for extreme destruction and extreme elimination.
These magic weapons are yearning for each other, but they don’t match each other. What Yi Xian wants most is not a natural treasure. Second, it’s not a magical secret. Third, it’s not a beautiful woman, but a real magic weapon.
It is also easy to practice for a short time. I have never seen a magic weapon in the past two years! I just heard that if you are sharp, if you are spiritual, you will automatically choose the main kind of nonsense.